Organise a Static Electricity Control Assessment - SE-A
Contact us at static@staticelectricity.com.au to discuss or book an SE-A.
AS/NZS1020:2023. What do you need to do to comply? (Static Electricity Control Plan (SEC-P)
If it is established during the SE-A that you have a static electricity hazard then the workplace is required to undertake a static electricity control plan ( SEC-P)
SEC-Ps are detailed plans highlighting the areas at your workplace where a static electricity hazard exists and what controls are in place to minimise the risks associated.
The standard provides some guidance as to what should be included in an SEC-P.
If you require the services of a third party to conduct the SEC-P on your behalf, take some time to determine if that the third party would be considered competent or that the person conducting the assessment is a "competent person"
An SEC-P should be conducted by a competent person. More info:
AS/NZS1020:2023. What do you need to do to comply?
(Static Electricity Assessment (SE-A)
Every workplace in Australia will be required to undertake a static electricity assessment SE-A. Whilst it is well understood that static electricity is a hazard in workplaces that transport and store dangerous goods or workplaces that operate within hazardous areas. There has been a rise in reported cases of electrostatic shock or injury in workplaces that were previously not considered as an environment where static electricity was considered a hazard.
Workplaces such as supermarkets, kindergartens, public spaces etc. are recording significant increases in static electricity incidents and injuries.
If you require the services of a third party to conduct the SE-A on your behalf, take some time to determine if the third party would be considered competent or that the person conducting the assessment is a "competent person"
An SE-A should be conducted by a competent person. More info:

Organise a Static Electricity Control Plan- SEC-P
Contact us at static@staticelectricity.com.au to discuss or book an SEC-P.
SA TS 60079-32-1:2022. What do you need to do to comply?
Hazardous Area Dossier
Static electricity as a hazard (ignition source) in a hazardous area. Update your HADs to reflect the requirements as set out in TS 60079-32-1:2022.
TS 60079-32-1:2022 is now the "hazardous area" standard for static electricity.